Patient Information
Instructions for new patients:
- Make an appointment by telephone (3272 5155).
- You may wish to download and print the new patient form (Adobe Reader required).
- You can then complete the form and bring with you at the time of your appointment. This will save your time at the first consultation.
Please telephone to book your appointment on 3272 5155. Appointments are preferred as they minimise your waiting time and ensure that you see the doctor of your choice at a time convenient for you. Emergencies will be seen at any time. Patients are seen in the following order:
- Emergencies
- Patients with appointments
- Patients without appointments
Appointments are booked at 15 minute intervals.
Sometimes a long appointment may be necessary; for example if you wish to discuss more than one issue or require an insurance medical. Please advise the receptionist of this when making your appointment. It is important to make separate appointments for each patient. Adding extra family members to a single appointment causes delays to other patients. You may phone the practice before your appointment to check whether your doctor is running on time. As a courtesy to you, if the Doctor is running significantly behind, we will endeavour to contact you to let you know the wait time, or to allow you to rebook your appointment.
Our aim is to see our patients on time. We realise that you often have other time obligations. If we are running late, then it may well be the result of an emergency and we appreciate your patience in this situation.
We ask, that when booking your appointment, consider what issues you wish to discuss with your Doctor, and book a longer consultation if necessary. Our reception staff will be able to advise you on this.
If your consultation time has run out, please let the Doctor know you have further problems you wish to discuss, and you will book a future appointment.
Please book an individual appointment for each family member needing to be seen. This will help the Doctor run to time and avoid delays for other patients. This will also allow the Doctor to give each individual the time they deserve rather than being rushed.
If a booked appointment is not attended by you and insufficient or no notice is provided to the practice, the practice may charge a cancellation fee of $30 per appointment. Please note that this fee is a private fee and is not refundable under Medicare. If more than one appointments are not attended without notifying the practice, you may not be able to rebook until you have settled your account. Please be considerate of fellow patients and the Doctor’s and staff of the practice. This policy is intended to facilitate on time appointments for all of our patients.
We prefer that you request sufficient prescriptions until your next appointment date. However, at the discretion of your Doctor, and depending on your medical condition, a prescription may be able to be provided without an appointment. A fee of $20.00 applies for this service. 24 hours notice is necessary. Prescription may be sent via e-script to your telephone.
The Doctors at Calamvale Medical Centre prefer to see you to check on the ongoing need for you to see your specialist and update the specialist about your progress, so an appointment is generally necessary for renewal of referrals. In some circumstances at your doctor’s discretion, a referral may be able to be provided without an appointment. A fee of $20.00 applies for this service.
Referral to a new specialist doctor always requires a consultation with your doctor. Referrals cannot be backdated.
For routine matters, the doctor may be able to take your phone call between 1.00pm and 2.00pm. If the doctor is busy, they may need to return your call at a later time. We request that general inquires or for routine test results, please phone after 12 noon weekdays only.
This is and Australian Privacy Principles Compliant Practice
Our policy details:
- The kinds of information the Practice collects and holds;
- How the Practice collects, holds and uses personal information;
- How you may access your personal information;
- How you may complain if a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles occurs; and,
- Whether the Practice engages with overseas recipients.
- If you wish to receive a copy of the Privacy Policy please speak with one of our friendly staff
Children of school age are bulk billed within normal hours.
‘Normal hours’ is regarded as 8.00am to 4.45pm weekdays.
‘Out of hours’ is regarded as after 5.00pm weekdays, Saturdays and Public holidays.
Consultations on a Saturday and on Public holidays will incur a surcharge.
Pension and Health Care card holders are charged at a concessional rate.
We charge a private fee for most other consultations.
Fees must be paid in full at the time of consultation. We accept cash, EFTPOS and credit cards.
A private fee for a standard consultation is $89.00 with a $42.85 rebate from Medicare (out of pocket $46.15), for Health Care card holder the fee for a standard consultation is $79.00 with a $42.85 rebate (out of pocket $36.15) and for Pension card holder $69.00 with a $42.85 rebate from Medicare (out of pocket $26.15). We are happy to lodge your Medicare claim for you.
A private fee is charged for prescriptions and repeat specialist referral letters prepared by the doctor outside of a consultation.
- Workers’ compensation consultations may be billed to WorkCover, however in most circumstances we ask for payment at time of consultation. You will be reimbursed by WorkCover if they accept your claim. The cost for this is $102.00. You may also be charged a facility fee which will also be reimbursed by WorkCover if your claim is accepted. Once you have an accepted WorkCover claim number, we can forward your invoice directly to WorkCover.
- Longer consultations are charged at higher rates, but we endeavour to keep your out of pocket expenses at or about the same rate for shorter consultations.
- We charge a private fee for most consultations, and for most procedures and medicals
Unless you request otherwise, we may place you on a recall list for preventive health checks, such as Cervical Screen Testing, Diabetes and Heart Disease care, annual ‘Health Assessments’ for the over 75’s, and other advisable checks.
You may be contacted by phone, mail, email or SMS, unless you advise us otherwise.
These visits are available to practice patients who live in the local area and who are too sick to come to the practice, but do not, in the Doctor’s opinion, require hospital assessment. Requests are best made before 9am. Visits may be done at lunchtime or after hours. Home visits are not bulk billed.
A consultation with the doctor is generally required to receive and discuss pathology/blood test results, and plan any further management. If agreed with your doctor during the consultation when tests are ordered, results of routine tests may be available over the telephone.
We are an accredited postgraduate training practice with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. Dr Naomi Bowers and Dr Dean Warmington are accredited General Practice Supervisors. At times, the practice hosts doctors who are Registrars in the General Practice Education Training Program. They are fully qualified and experienced doctors who are undertaking further study to gain qualifications in the specialty of General Practice.
From time to time, the practice also hosts medical students on General Practice placement.
From time to time, this practice invites patients to complete a questionnaire on their views of the practice and how we could improve. These surveys are confidential. If you are unhappy with any aspect of the care you receive, please feel free to discuss this with your doctor or the Practice Manager. If we are unable to resolve the issue, you may wish to contact:
QLD Health Ombudsman, ph: 133 646 or
We strive to deliver the highest standard of family health care in a friendly supportive environment. We welcome your feedback to continually improve our services.
Our team of nurses provide professional care and support in all areas of general practice. Our nurses hold high level qualifications, and are trained in areas of prevention for chronic diseases such as diabetes and asthma. Nurse led clinics offer you a range of support and advice that links in well with the care your doctor wishes you to have. Phone to talk to one of our nurses regarding services they provide today.