Contact Us
Calamvale Village
Shopping Centre.
Cnr Kameruka Street & Beaudesert Road,
Calamvale QLD 4116
(07) 3272 5155
(07) 3272 5110
For URGENT medical problems please phone 000.
This email is for administrative purposes only.
Please phone the practice on 3272 5155 to discuss any issues of a clinical nature.
Emails are not monitored on a regular basis.
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Emergency After Hours
Our after hours service will attend patients of this practice for any after hours emergencies when our doctors are not available.
The phone number is 13 74 25.
Alternatively you may attend a hospital “Accident and Emergency” Department:
Public Hospitals
- Logan Hospital
Armstrong Road, Meadowbrook
Phone: (07) 3299 8899 - QEII Hospital
Kessels Road, Coopers Plains
Phone: (07) 3163 8111 - Queensland Children’s Hospital
Stanley Street, South Brisbane
Phone: (07) 3068 1111 - Mater Adult Hospital
Raymond Terrace, South Brisbane
Phone: (07) 3163 1918 - Princess Alexandra Hospital
Ipswich Road, Woolloongabba
Phone: (07) 3176 2111
Private Hospitals
- Mater Private Hospital
301 Vulture Street, South Brisbane
Phone: (07) 3163 1111 - Greenslopes Private Hospital
Newdegate Street, Greenslopes
Phone: (07) 3394 7111
Feedback Form
Please only use this form for general enquires about the medical centre that are not time sensitive.